2021-2022 Workshops

In 2021-2022, French actors are participating in 12 working groups in order to develop contributions and common positions in the perspective of the World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice. These different workshops are led by members and hosted by the PFVT.

Women and cities

The “Women and city” working group took part in a foresight exercise by projecting itself to 2050, to imagine a world of equality between women and men. By proposing recommendations for taking into account current issues, such as physical and social insecurity in urban spaces or inequalities in access to work and education, this booklet underlines the importance of taking into account diversity, equality and inclusiveness as vectors of the sustainable city. The choice was made to address the issue of women in the city along three axes: the invisibility of women in public spaces; uses, sociability, and mobility; rights.


  • Fight against the process of invisibility of women in public spaces, places of education and the private sphere.
  • Improve the uses of public spaces for women through accessibility to services.
  • Apply appropriate legislation to combat unequal structural models.

Download the booklet
