2021-2022 Workshops

In 2021-2022, French actors are participating in 12 working groups in order to develop contributions and common positions in the perspective of the World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice. These different workshops are led by members and hosted by the PFVT.


The Covid-19 crisis has profoundly shaken the world and revealed the profound shortcomings of our societies and our health policies, as well as the territorial and social imbalance in terms of health. Cities and the local level have also played a preponderant role in health. They have been on the front line and their actions have proven to be the most effective in managing the crisis, for implementing emergency and long-term solutions (vaccination). Cities are in fact best placed to be ambassadors of health since they are closest to realities, particularly the most vulnerable and relegated populations. While climate change is having a lasting and irreversible impact on our lifestyles and environments, health must be taken into account, in the same way as the climate, and be the subject of a development strategy in the long time which goes beyond the time of the urban project and especially political time.


  • Make health a major decision criterion
  • Make systematic consideration of the impact of urban policies and urban planning on health
  • Engage in a transversal approach and involve a variety of stakeholders
  • Take into account the complexity and heterogeneity of territories and audiences
  • Produce more studies on health economics
  • Implement prevention and health promotion actions and put people at the heart of projects
  • Generalize training for urban stakeholders

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