2021-2022 Workshops
In 2021-2022, French actors are participating in 12 working groups in order to develop contributions and common positions in the perspective of the World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice. These different workshops are led by members and hosted by the PFVT.

In a context of growing metropolization and peri-urbanization on a global scale, cities are increasingly disconnected from their nurturing spaces. These phenomena contribute to making our food systems dependent on long supply and distribution chains, the fragility of which has recently been accentuated by the health crisis. It is in this context that a prospective workshop was led by Fnau and the Lyon town planning agency (UrbaLyon) around the issues of food and cities. By creating partnerships with rural areas, cities have the opportunity to become real players in strengthening our food and agricultural systems towards greater sustainability and resilience.
- Promote garden production as a primary source of supply.
- Promote a transformation in your kitchen with local products.
- Prioritize consumption at home while avoiding food waste.