Essential services

Focused on access to drinking water, sanitation and water hygiene, management of solid urban waste and access to energy, the “Essential Services” working group questions the very notion of access to essential services. This notion is not only restricted to technological aspects alone but invites us to question broader issues of governance and social inclusion, taking into account local, national and even international economic contexts, public and private policy strategies, or more training and innovation. This working group has therefore chosen to prioritize access to essential services for local stakeholders and residents, a source of a more inclusive and sustainable city.

Define the role of each level of governance for the effective implementation and management of services.

Plan the implementation of essential services so that they meet the needs and means of the local population.

Ensure universal and equitable access to quality essential services, including the entire population, regardless of gender, age or social origins.

Raise awareness and train stakeholders in the establishment of essential service networks.

Consider the development of essential services as an innovative means for the creation of new economic activities.